Wednesday, April 14, 2010

PEF musical instrument fund-raiser 4/14/2010

Lincoln Middle School students Michael Chase, trumpeter, Kate Schneider, and Aneesh Pappu, violinists, were among Lincoln and Pullman High School musicians who performed during the April 14, 2010, Pullman Education Foundation musical instrument dessert fund-raiser concert. About $1,200 was raised to help replace worn out band instruments.

In the Pullman School District:
  • Orchestra is offered for grades 4-12. Katharine Covill, director.
  • Band is offered for grades 6-8 at Lincoln Middle School, Joe Covill, director, and grades 9-12 at Pullman High School, Jenny DeWitt, director.

  • Since the year 2004, the average number of students participating in musical instrument programs in the Pullman School District is 487.

DIRECTING (top left to right): Katharine Covill, Joe Covill and Jenny DeWitt.