Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On Dec. 14, 2010, Santa Claus visits Nebraska Street on Pullman's Pioneer Hill thanks to the Pullman Lions

Pullman Lions rev up Santa's sleigh

Photo and video from Dec. 14, 2010. Story from Dec.15, 2009, Moscow Pullman Daily News

PULLMAN -- Santa Claus, along with a handful of helpers, will make his annual appearance on each of Pullman's hills through Thursday thanks to Pullman Lions Club members.

"It's a single-axle trailer with a painted red sleigh, so it looks like he's driving the sleigh," club Secretary Jon Whitman said. "Only thing is the reindeer out front's a pickup truck, not reindeer. It's not easily missed."

The Lions Club has drawn Santa's sleigh since the 1970s, Whitman said. Though Santa is only out for a couple hours each night, club members try to visit nearly every neighborhood and make special stops at parents' requests, Whitman said. A vehicle will proceed Santa's sleigh, announcing his arrival.

Monday marked the first trip of the year through College Hill. Starting at 6 p.m. today, Santa will tour the neighborhoods of Pioneer Hill. At 5 p.m. Wednesday his sleigh will appear in the Sunnyside Hill area and, starting at 5 p.m. Thursday, he will visit children on Military Hill.

"The Lions' motto is 'we serve,' and it's something we enjoy doing (for the children) to just kind of bring the Christmas spirit to town," Whitman said.